The following forms must be up-to-date, completed, signed, and on file in the Athletic Office in order for students to participate in athletic practices and competitions:
It must be understood by all students and their parents/legal guardians that to participate in the Hinsdale South Athletic Program is a commitment to follow the rules, regulations, Code of Conduct, policies and procedures established by the school for the implementation of its athletic program. It must also be understood that the students who violate these rules, regulations, Code of Conduct, policies, and procedures shall face disciplinary action. All athletes and parent/guardians sign the Athletic Permit Card stating that they have read the Code of Conduct as listed in the Student Handbook or this website and agree to disciplinary action if not followed.
The Hinsdale South Athletic Department has developed a handbook for students and parents outlining the school's athletic guidelines and procedures, West Suburban guidelines and by-laws, and the Illinois High School Association's athletic by-laws. All student athletes and parents are expected to follow the guidelines as set forth in this handbook.