Program Overview Fishing is a great way to spend time in nature, meet other students, and cultivate a lifelong actviity. Bass Fishing is a co-ed IHSA sancitioned activity that originated in 2008-2009. We meet regularly throughout the Fall and Winter and our season culminates in the Spring spending time on the water fishing both competively and non-competively depending on the student’s goals and ability level. We welcome all interested anglers, from inexperienced to competitive, whether you want to learn how to fish or fish in tournaments or the State Series.
Highlights of 2015 Season -Chosen as Illinois Fishes Here Team of the Year North (out of 250+ IHSA Bass Fishing Teams) -Recieved $7000.00 worth of fishing gear/tackle and donations. -Hosted one of 13 IHSA Sectional Competitions.
-Advanced from Sectional competition (out of 20+ boats) to State Series -Placed in top third of all teams in State Series. -Hosted South vs. Central Bass Classic with 50+ students participating. -Participated in D230 Tournament Series Progam Goals Our goal has been to continually build this relatively new program to offer a wide arrary of growth experiences for both the competitive and beginning anglers simultanously.
From our club side of the team our goals are to: -Teach students how to experience success on water (=catch fish) -This involves lab (classroom sessions) on Knot tying, lure selection, tackle/gear and presentations. -This involves pool sessions on presentation methods in the water. -Provide learning/mastery experiences for beginning anglers. -Trivia Night, Bass Pro Seminar, Share-a-Method Seminar, etc.
-Provide experiences to learn new ‘water’ both in close proximity to our community and those within driving range.
-Provide service learning experiences built around nature, fishing, ecology and conservation; -DuPage Fishing Derby, etc.
-Provide opportunities for students to connect to the fishing community at-large;
-Attend fishing shows as a team
-Provide culminating experiences (large group trips) every couple years to foster meaningful connections to one’s peers and ultimately a greater appreciation for nature, the outdoors and life.
From the competitive side of the team our goals are to:
-Foster several of our incoming anglers with some fishing knowledge every year to become competive/tournament anglers.
-Develop connections and relationships in the surrounding community to increase awareness of the team and IHSA fishing. -Park District Events, Local Fishing Clubs/Teams and Retailers
-Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of fishing knowledge/skills. -Casting Contests, Fishing Olympics, etc.
-Increase competitive opportunities to the ‘sport/team’ side.
-Participating/hosting fishing tournaments. -Place in the top 3 of 20+ boats in the Sectional tournament to advance to State Series.