Wrestling against Leyden on 6/8/21, we came away with 4 wins: Oscar Choi, Aiden McGiveney, Alec Miller, and Manny Wallace.
Against Proviso East, 6/9/21, the team ended the season with a win. Anthony Williams, Kayden Miller, Manny Wallace and Charlie Chartrand all brought home wins at our last meet of the year.
Week of May 31st
Against Downers Grove North, 6/2/21, Josh Byrd, Kayden Miller and Griffin Carr all received wins by pinfall. While Manny Wallace and Oscar Choi came away with major decisions.
On Senior Night, 6/3/21, our Senior Aiden McGiveney won by major decision and Freshman Alec Miller won by decision.
At Addison Trail on 6/4/21 Manny Wallace won by pin in 1:50 in the first period.
Week of May 24th
At Lyons Township, 5/29/21, Taqir Mir, Kayden Miller, Osacr Choi and Alec Miller all came home with wins in very close matches.
Week of May 17th
At York, 5/19/21, we got wins from Senior Aiden MCGiveney and sophomore Griffin Carr.
At Oak Park River Forest, 5/21/21, we got 3 wins in very tough matches against some very seasoned wrestlers.
Week of May 10th
At Glenbard West, 5/14/21, Griffin Carr won the last match of the evening with a pin in 45 seconds to end the meet strong!
Week of May 3rd
At Morton High School 5/7/21, Alec Miller got his first Varsity win and pin. 4 wrestlers won their matches by pin. We won 5 out of 9 matches.